WordPress: Loading time optimization: The easy path to fast websites

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✅Durch Ladezeit-Optimierung schaffst du es, bessere Google-Rankings und mehr Conversions erzielen
✅Gleichzeitig lässt sich dadurch Werbebudget in Google AdWords, Facebook und allen anderen Online-Werbekanälen sparen.
✅Mit diesem Buch lernst du, wie du deine WordPress-Webseite auf Spitzen-Ladezeiten bringst, ohne, dass hierfür besondere Vorkenntnisse notwendig wären.
✅Durch einfache und praxisnahe Erklärungen und Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen nach jedem Kapitel sind das leichte Verständnis und der langfristige Lernerfolg gesichert.

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The light path to the WordPress expert!

The Content Management System WordPress makes it possible to create professional blogs, online shops and many other types of websites even without programming knowledge. For this reason, over a third of all websites also work with WordPress. With this book you will learn how to create and publish your own website with WordPress without any previous knowledge. They are accompanied step by step: from the choice of domain name to the initial setup and the creation of your page to best practice to operate a website in areas such as data protection or search engine optimization. So you can publish your own website soon!


Content of the book:

  • Domain, web hosting and set up WordPress for a quick start
  • Get to know WordPress dashboard for efficient operation
  • Adaptation of the layout with themes and work with the Gutenberg Editor
  • Expand functional scope with plugins, including WooCommerce for online shop functionality
  • Best practice for the operation of a website such as legal aspects, backups and IT security, charging time optimization, marketing, and much more.
  • Crash course for HTML/CSS and PHP, in order to be able to make smaller adjustments in the code

Advantages of this book:

  • Simple and practical explanations contribute to understanding
  • Supporting vivid examples in understanding
  • Extensive practical projects serve as a template for your own projects
  • Source code for download to try it out quickly
  • Free eBook edition included


With this book you will learn to create your own websites with WordPress!

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