AZ-ProMini-Board with 5V ATmega328 and 16MHz

Select quantity discount: 1X Pro Mini
Sale price€7.99

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In stock (95 units), ready to be shipped

✔️ Maße (LxBxH): 33 x 18 x 7,5 mm; 100% Pinout- und Code-kompatibel zum original AZ-ProMini-Board
✔️ ATmega328P chipset with 16 MHz clock frequency and 32 KB flash memory (incl. 2 KB for bootloader);
✔️ Separate Pinleisten! Verwenden Sie den AZ-ProMini-Board auf kleinstem Raum oder üben Sie sich einfach im Löten.
✔️ The ideal controller for mobile applications and small series.

Important downloads and links


  • Our AZ-ProMini-Board with powerful ATmega328P processor is designed to provide as many interfaces as possible in the smallest space. The module is operated with 5V. 
  • Thanks to 14 digital and 6 analog GPIOs the module offers enough pins even for larger projects.
  • Of course the controller supports communication protocols like UART, SPI and I2C.
  • In contrast to the AZ-Nano V3-Board, this board lacks the usual Serial USB chip, an additional programming adapter (FTDI/CH340/CP2102) is required to transfer the program code. This offers two major advantages:
  • ✔️ First, it allows us to offer our customers an even more affordable platform, which makes the product very attractive for small series.
  • ✔️ It also reduces the module's power consumption, making it well suited for mobile applications.

  • As usual, high quality and fast delivery from Germany by buying AZ-Delivery!

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