Mini Breadboard 400 PIN with 4 power rails for jumper cable

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Sale price€4.79

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✅ Breadboard – kaufen Sie jetzt zum Vorteilspreis!
✅ Steckbrett für schnellen Aufbau elektronischer Schaltungen mit 400 Kontakten.
✅ Ideal für Versuchsaufbauten im Labor, Industrie, Uni, Schulen,Hobbybereich und Modellbau.
✅ Selbstverständlich erhalten Sie beim Kauf durch AZDelivery vollautomatisch und garantiert auch eine Rechnung inkl. Mehrwertsteuer und nach deutschen Standards, sowie gewohnt hohe ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ AZ-Delivery Qualität und schnelle Lieferung aus Deutschland durch Kauf bei der AZ-Delivery Vertriebs GmbH!

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The AZ Delivery Mini Breadboard has 400 contacts that are divided into two strips:

1. Terminal strip: 300 contacts

2. Distribution strip: 100 contacts

This breadboard is ideal for creating temporary prototypes and allows you to experiment with circuit designs. If your requirements grow, you can expand the board with as many AZ-Delivery breadboards as you like. In addition, the power rails are removable and can be combined as you wish.


  • Thanks to the compact and solderless design, you can reuse the PCBs.
  • The self-adhesive tape on the back allows easy attachment of the prototype shields.
  • Compatible with resistors, transistors, diodes, LEDs, capacitors and other types of electronic components.

Technical specifications

Dimensions 82 x 55 x 8.5mm
Material of the board White ABS plastic
Material of contacts Phosphorus bronze manufactured
Pins 400
Base distance 2.54mm
Voltage current 300V / 3 - 5A
Isolation resistance 500mΩ / DC500V
Tense 1000V / AC / 1 minute
Wire area 29 AWG to 20AWG
Operating temperatur -25 ° C to +80 ° C

High strength

Compared to other breadboards, AZ Delivery breadboards are characterized by high strength. This avoids falling components in the project.

Quick start guide

When buying one of our high-quality products, you will also receive an inclusive e-book for a quick introduction to the world of microelectronics.

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