KY-022 Set IR Receiver Infrared Receiver CHQ1838 Sensor Module

Select quantity discount: 1x module
Sale price€3.99

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In stock (142 units), ready to be shipped

✅ Trägerfrequenz: 38kHz
✅ Kann Infrarotsignale empfangen und gibt diese am Signalausgang als digitale Abfolge aus.
✅ Betriebsspannung 3 - 5 V (Strombegrenzung erforderlich)
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The KY-022 Set IR Receiver Infrared Receiver CHQ1838 Sensor Module is an electronic component used to receive and detect infrared (IR) radiation. It consists of an IR receiver mounted in a small housing and an integrated circuit that can receive and process signals from the IR source. When the module receives IR radiation, it gives an output signal that can be measured by a microcontroller or other control unit to detect the IR radiation. The KY-022 set can be used in various applications, e.g. in remote controls, in security alarm systems or in robots to detect obstacles.
  • IR Reciever module
  • Operating voltage 3.3 V - 5 V
  • As usual high quality and fast delivery directly from Germany by ordering from AZ-Delivery
  • Of course, you will receive fully automatic automatically when buying through Azdelivery and also guarantees one Invoice including VAT and according to German standards
  • Guaranteed Raw conformity By buying from the German dealer

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