Resistance resistor kit 525 pieces resistance range, 0 ohm -1m ohm

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✅ Unser Set bietet eine gute Auswahl von 525 Widerständen in praxisnaher Zusammenstellung: Je 50 Stück der häufig verwendeten Widerstände und 25 Stück der weniger häufig benötigten
✅ Eine hohe Verarbeitungsqualität der Metallwiderstände garantiert die Unterschreitung der angegebenen Toleranzen von 1%
✅ Eine praktische Farbtabelle liegt dem Set bei und die zusätzliche Beschriftung jeder Sorte garantiert Ihnen höchsten Komfort - Kein langes Suchen notwendig!
✅ Darauf haben unsere Ingenieure geachtet: Verbesserte Pins für eine stabile Verbindung und hohe thermische Stabilität zeichnet das AZ-Delivery Resistor Kit aus!

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The right resistor assortment for beginners and professionals.

Our AZ-Delivery resistor set offers a practical selection of 525 high-quality metal film resistors in a sturdy and practical plastic box.

The clearly arranged color table makes this set ideal especially for beginners. In addition, the wires used hold optimally on our breadboards. An additional labeling of the individual values allows efficient work without annoying searching. For easy removal without accidental bending, all resistors are additionally attached to cardboard strips. Frequently used values are included in our set twice. In contrast to the usual products, our high manufacturing quality guarantees that all specified tolerances are not exceeded.


  • Thanks to the practical color table with additional labeling, tedious searching is no longer necessary.
  • The improved pins ensure a stable connection and high thermal stability.
  • Each value resistor is neatly packaged and labeled in each row. The entire resistor assortment is packed in a practical plastic box.

Technical specifications

Type Metal layer resistance
Material Non-ramp
Rated capacity ¼ W
Number of resistance 525
EIA standard color coding
Low voltage coefficient
Low noise coefficient
Low temp. Coefficient

Practical description

Thanks to the convenient table with color codes and additional descriptions of each grade, long searching is not necessary and integration into projects is very easy.

Quick start guide

When buying one of our high-quality products, you will also receive an inclusive e-book for a quick introduction to the world of microelectronics.

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