STM8S103F3P6 8-Bit Minimum System Microcontroller Development Board Module for STM8S Programming with UART, I2C, SPI, and a 5-Channel 10-Bit ADC

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The STM8S has a convenient SWIM(Single Wire Interface Module) programming interface
The I/O pins are labeled. The breakout board has a reset button, a power LED and a controllable on-board LED.
The STM8S Core Board has a USB port for easy power supply of the module. Solder pads for an external power supply(4.5V - 9V) are also available.
The STM82F103F3 (in TSSOP20 package) has a 16MHz internal clock, 8 KBytes Flash memory and 640 bytes EEPROM.

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The AZ-Delivery development board with the STM8S103F3P6 microcontroller is a powerful 8-bit processor. The small and user-friendly design makes the board ideal for beginners and smaller projects. This development board can be programmed comfortably with the Arduino IDE. A programming adapter is needed to upload the programs, we recommend our ST-LINK V2 for this.


  • Power supply via MicroUSB connector
  • 16 MHz internal oscillating crystal
  • SPI interface with up to 8 Mbit/s
  • I²C interface with up to 400 Kbit/s
  • ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) 10 bit
  • resolution with 5 channels
  • UART transmit routine
  • UART receive routines
  • Suitable for low power applications

Suitable for beginners

Thanks to the freely available libraries and software examples, this board is very well suited for learners who want to enter the world of microelectronics. The module can be plugged directly into the MB102 breadboard.

Quick start guide

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