AMS1117 3.3V power supply module for Raspberry Pi

Size: 1x AMS1117
Sale price€3.99

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✔️ Our Azdelivery power supply module is equipped with an original AMS1117
✅ Der darauf verwendete Festspannungsregler garantiert einen effizienten Betrieb
✅ Das ideale Produkt zur ergänzenden Stomversorgung wenn, die auf den Entwickler-Boards zur Verfügung stehende Leistung, nicht mehr ausreicht
✔️ The efficient AMS1117 3.3V can also handle high currents of up to 1A and thus ensures stable operation of 3.3V microcontrollers or sensors

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Our AZDelivery power supply module for Raspberrys is ideal for use on breadboards and breadboards due to its 2.54mm design. The fixed voltage regulator used on it can be found on most developer and prototyping boards, so also on our ESP8266, ESP32 dev kits.

The efficient AMS1117 3.3V can also handle high currents up to 1A, ensuring stable operation of 3.3V microcontrollers or sensors. If your application requires more current than the development boards can supply, this module is the right addition for your project!

Thanks to the practical LED you can see immediately if there is a voltage present.

✔️ The most commonly used fixed voltage regulator
✔️ Efficient with low power dissipation
✔️ For stable operation of microcontrollers and sensors

With your order at AZ-Delivery you will get a product in usual high quality and with fast delivery directly from Germany at discount price! For further ideas and projects please visit our blog on the internet or download our free eBooks on our website!

AZ-Delivery: Your expert for microelectronics!

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