AZ-Nano V3-Board Atmega328 CH340 ready soldered, improved version with USB cable

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✅Maße (LxBxH): 45 x 17,5 x 18 mm (inkl. überstehender Bauteile)
✅ATmega328P-Chipsatz mit 16 MHz Taktfrequenz und 32 KB Flashspeicher (inkl. 2 KB für Bootloader); einfache PC-Verbindung über CH340G-USB-Konverter
Ready to use! The AZDelivery AZ-Nano V3-Board is already completely soldered and supplied with USB cable.
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The AZDelivery AZ-Nano V3 board with Atmega328P CH340G board with ready-soldered, improved version with USB cable is ideal for mobile projects. Get started in microcontroller development with this efficient module! The small board is perfect for beginners, and with the integrated USB interface, you can run your first programs on the board in no time at all.

Special features

  • Great device for learning electronics, learning programming or prototyping.
  • The AZ-Nano V3 board is actually a microcontroller, designed so that you don't need any additional components.
  • With an AZ-Nano V3 board you have everything on one board.

Technical data

Microcontroller ATmega328
Operating voltage 5V
Input voltage (recommendation) 7 - 10V
Input voltage (limit) 6 - 12V
Digital I/O pins 22 (6 are PWM)
PWM output 6
Analog input pins 8
Flash memory 32KB, 2KB used by bootloader
SRAM 2KB (ATmega328P)
EEPROM 1KB (ATmega328P)
Clock frequency 16MHz
Length 18mm
width 45mm
weight 7g

ATmega328p compatible boards

There are numerous other ATmega328p-compatible boards, such as so-called "shields", which are built in such a way that you can simply connect them to your AZ-Nano V3 board.

Quick Start Guide

When you purchase one of our high-quality products, you will also receive an e-book for a quick introduction to the world of microelectronics.

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