Captive Portal Blog Teil 4 : BMP Dateienanzeige auf 8x8 Matrix Display - AZ-Delivery

Hallo und willkommen zu einem weiteren Teil der ESP Captive Portal Reihe.

Im heutigen Teil erweitern wir unser Captive Portal mit integriertem Fileserver um eine weitere, sehr interessante Follow-UP-Anwendung: Wir verbinden ein 8x8 WS1812 Matrix mit dem ESP32 und zeigen darauf auf dem Fileserver abgelegte 8x8 Pixel große BMP Dateien an! Aktuell besteht die Limitierung, dass die BMP Datei genau 8x8 Pixel groß sein muss, um angezeigt werden zu können. Alle anderen Formate oder Größen werden nicht zur Anzeige-Auswahl angeboten. Die Auswahl, welche BMP Datei angezeigt werden soll, erfolgt über die Hauptwebseite:

Zunächst jedoch müssen wir die Hardware um ein 8x8 Dot Matrix Display ergänzen, und verdrahten. Der Aufbau gestaltet sich dank des Eindraht-Busses der WS2812 LED’s recht einfach:

***Bitte beachten Sie auch die Sicherheitshinweise aus unserem E-Book zur Inbetriebnahme der 8x8 Matrix***

Wir laden den erweiterten Code auf den ESP 32 hoch:


#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h> 
#include <WebServer.h>
#include <ESPmDNS.h>
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#include <DNSServer.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <FastLED.h>

#define GPIO_OUT_W1TS_REG (DR_REG_GPIO_BASE + 0x0008)
#define GPIO_OUT_W1TC_REG (DR_REG_GPIO_BASE + 0x000c)

#define LED_PIN  17
#define CHIPSET     WS2812

static const byte WiFiPwdLen = 25;
static const byte APSTANameLen = 20;

struct WiFiEEPromData
    bool APSTA = true; // Access Point or Sation Mode - true AP Mode
    bool PwDReq = false; // PasswordRequired
    bool CapPortal = true ; //CaptivePortal on in AP Mode
    char APSTAName[APSTANameLen]; // STATION /AP Point Name TO cONNECT, if definded   
    char WiFiPwd[WiFiPwdLen]; // WiFiPAssword, if definded    
    char ConfigValid[3]; //If Config is Vaild, Tag "TK" is required"

struct BMPHeader // BitMapStucture
    uint32_t fileSize;  //  
    uint32_t creatorBytes; //  
    uint32_t imageOffset; // Start of image data  "Image Offset: 
    uint32_t headerSize;     //  
    uint32_t width;
    uint32_t height;
    uint16_t planes;
    uint16_t depth; // bits per pixel
    uint32_t format;  

/* hostname for mDNS. Should work at least on windows. Try http://esp8266.local */
const char *ESPHostname = "ESP32";

// DNS server
const byte DNS_PORT = 53;
DNSServer dnsServer;

//Conmmon Paramenters
bool SoftAccOK  = false;

// Web server
WebServer server(80);

/* Soft AP network parameters */
IPAddress apIP(172, 20, 0, 1);
IPAddress netMsk(255, 255, 255, 0);

unsigned long currentMillis = 0;
unsigned long startMillis;

/** Current WLAN status */
short status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;

File fsUploadFile;              // a File object to temporarily store the received file
WiFiEEPromData MyWiFiConfig;
String getContentType(String filename); // convert the file extension to the MIME type
bool handleFileRead(String path);       // send the right file to the client (if it exists)
void handleFileUpload();                // upload a new file to the SPIFFS
String temp ="";
byte BRIGHTNESS = 100;              // PresetBrightness
// Params for LED's
const uint8_t kMatrixWidth = 8;
const uint8_t kMatrixHeight = 8;
//const bool    kMatrixSerpentineLayout = false;

#define NUM_LEDS (kMatrixWidth * kMatrixHeight)
CRGB leds_plus_safety_pixel[ NUM_LEDS + 1];
CRGB* const leds( leds_plus_safety_pixel + 1);

void setup() 
  REG_WRITE(GPIO_OUT_W1TS_REG, BIT(GPIO_NUM_16));     // Guru Meditation Error Remediation set
  REG_WRITE(GPIO_OUT_W1TC_REG, BIT(GPIO_NUM_16));     // Guru Meditation Error Remediation clear
  bool ConnectSuccess = false;
  bool CreateSoftAPSucc  = false;
  bool CInitFSSystem  = false;
  bool CInitHTTPServer  = false;
  byte len; 
   while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB
  Serial.println(F("Serial Interface initalized at 9600 Baud.")); 
  FastLED.addLeds<CHIPSET, LED_PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalSMD5050);
  WiFi.setAutoReconnect (false);
  WiFi.setHostname(ESPHostname); // Set the DHCP hostname assigned to ESP station.
  if (loadCredentials()) // Load WLAN credentials for WiFi Settings
     Serial.println(F("Valid Credentials found."));   
     if (MyWiFiConfig.APSTA == true)  // AP Mode
        Serial.println(F("Access Point Mode selected.")); 
        len = strlen(MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName);
        MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName[len+1] = '\0'; 
        len = strlen(MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd);
        MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd[len+1] = '\0';  
        CreateSoftAPSucc = CreateWifiSoftAP();
      } else
        Serial.println(F("Station Mode selected."));       
        len = strlen(MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName);
        MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName[len+1] = '\0'; 
        len = strlen(MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd);
        MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd[len+1] = '\0';
        len = ConnectWifiAP();     
        if ( len == 3 ) { ConnectSuccess = true; } else { ConnectSuccess = false; }     
  } else
  { //Set default Config - Create AP
     Serial.println(F("NO Valid Credentials found.")); 
     SetDefaultWiFiConfig ();
     CreateSoftAPSucc = CreateWifiSoftAP(); 
     // Blink
  // Initalize Filesystem
  CInitFSSystem = InitalizeFileSystem(); 
  if (!(CInitFSSystem)) {Serial.println(F("File System not initalized ! ")); } 
  if ((ConnectSuccess or CreateSoftAPSucc))
      Serial.print (F("IP Address: "));
      if (CreateSoftAPSucc) { Serial.println(WiFi.softAPIP());}   
      if (ConnectSuccess) { Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());}
      Serial.setDebugOutput(true); //Debug Output for WLAN on Serial Interface.
      Serial.println(F("Error: Cannot connect to WLAN. Set DEFAULT Configuration."));
      CreateSoftAPSucc = CreateWifiSoftAP();
  for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) // Clear LED Display
    leds[i]=  0x000000;        
    };   // Clear Display :)

void InitalizeHTTPServer() 
  bool initok = false;
  /* Setup web pages: root, wifi config pages, SO captive portal detectors and not found. */
  server.on("/", handleRoot);
  server.on("/wifi", handleWifi);
  server.on("/filesystem", HTTP_GET,handleDisplayFS);
  server.on("/upload", HTTP_POST, []() {
  server.send(200, "text/plain", "");
  }, handleFileUpload); 
  // if (MyWiFiConfig.CapPortal) { server.on("/generate_204", handleRoot); } //Android captive portal. Maybe not needed. Might be handled by notFound handler.
  // if (MyWiFiConfig.CapPortal) { server.on("/favicon.ico", handleRoot); }   //Another Android captive portal. Maybe not needed. Might be handled by notFound handler. Checked on Sony Handy
  // if (MyWiFiConfig.CapPortal) { server.on("/fwlink", handleRoot); }  //Microsoft captive portal. Maybe not needed. Might be handled by notFound handler.
  server.on("/generate_204", handleRoot);  //Android captive portal. Maybe not needed. Might be handled by notFound handler.
  server.on("/favicon.ico", handleRoot);    //Another Android captive portal. Maybe not needed. Might be handled by notFound handler. Checked on Sony Handy
  server.on("/fwlink", handleRoot);   //Microsoft captive portal. Maybe not needed. Might be handled by notFound handler. 
  server.onNotFound ( handleNotFound );
  server.begin(); // Web server start

boolean InitalizeFileSystem() {
  bool initok = false;
  initok = SPIFFS.begin();
  if (!(initok))
    Serial.println(F("Format SPIFFS"));
    initok = SPIFFS.begin();
  return initok;

boolean CreateWifiSoftAP() 
  Serial.print(F("Initalize SoftAP "));
  if (MyWiFiConfig.PwDReq) 
      SoftAccOK  =  WiFi.softAP(MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName, MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd); // Passwortlänge mindestens 8 Zeichen !
    } else
      SoftAccOK  =  WiFi.softAP(MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName); // Access Point WITHOUT Password
      // Overload Function:; WiFi.softAP(ssid, password, channel, hidden)
  delay(2000); // Without delay I've seen the IP address blank
  WiFi.softAPConfig(apIP, apIP, netMsk);
  if (SoftAccOK)
  /* Setup the DNS server redirecting all the domains to the apIP */  
  dnsServer.start(DNS_PORT, "*", apIP);
  } else
  Serial.println(F("Soft AP Error."));
  return SoftAccOK;

byte ConnectWifiAP() 
  Serial.println(F("Initalizing Wifi Client."));  
  byte connRes = 0;
  byte i = 0;
  WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true); // Function will set currently configured SSID and password of the soft-AP to null values. The parameter  is optional. If set to true it will switch the soft-AP mode off.
  WiFi.begin(MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName, MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd);
  connRes  = WiFi.waitForConnectResult();
  while (( connRes == 0 ) and (i != 10))  //if connRes == 0  "IDLE_STATUS - change Statius"
      connRes  = WiFi.waitForConnectResult();
      // statement(s)
  while (( connRes == 1 ) and (i != 10))  //if connRes == 1  NO_SSID_AVAILin - SSID cannot be reached
      connRes  = WiFi.waitForConnectResult();
      // statement(s)
  if (connRes == 3 ) { 
                        WiFi.setAutoReconnect(true); // Set whether module will attempt to reconnect to an access point in case it is disconnected.
                        // Setup MDNS responder
                            if (!MDNS.begin(ESPHostname)) {
                                Serial.println(F("Error: MDNS"));
                                } else { MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80); }
  while (( connRes == 4 ) and (i != 10))  //if connRes == 4  Bad Password. Sometimes happens this with corrct PWD
      WiFi.begin(MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName, MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd); 
      connRes = WiFi.waitForConnectResult();
  if (connRes == 4 ) {  
                        Serial.println(F("STA Pwd Err"));                     
return connRes;

uint16_t read16(File f)
  // BMP data is stored little-endian, same as Arduino.
  uint16_t result;
  ((uint8_t *)&result)[0] =; // LSB
  ((uint8_t *)&result)[1] =; // MSB
  return result;

uint32_t read32(File f)
  // BMP data is stored little-endian, same as Arduino.
  uint32_t result;
  ((uint8_t *)&result)[0] =; // LSB
  ((uint8_t *)&result)[1] =;
  ((uint8_t *)&result)[2] =;
  ((uint8_t *)&result)[3] =; // MSB
  return result;

BMPHeader ReadBitmapSpecs(String filename)
  File file;
  BMPHeader BMPData;
  file, "r");
  if (!file)
    return BMPData;
  // Parse BMP header
  if (read16(file) == 0x4D42) // BMP signature
    BMPData.fileSize = read32(file);
    BMPData.creatorBytes = read32(file);
    BMPData.imageOffset = read32(file); // Start of image data
    BMPData.headerSize = read32(file);
    BMPData.width  = read32(file);
    BMPData.height = read32(file);
    BMPData.planes = read16(file);
    BMPData.depth = read16(file); // bits per pixel
    BMPData.format = read32(file);
return BMPData;


void drawBitmap_SPIFFS(String filename, uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
  File file;
  uint8_t buffer[3 * SD_BUFFER_PIXELS]; // pixel buffer, size for r,g,b
  bool valid = false; // valid format to be handled
  bool flip = true; // bitmap is stored bottom-to-top
  uint32_t pos = 0;
  file, "r");
  if (!file)
    Serial.print(F("Filesytem Error"));
  // Parse BMP header
  if (read16(file) == 0x4D42) // BMP signature
    uint32_t fileSize = read32(file);
    uint32_t creatorBytes = read32(file);
    uint32_t imageOffset = read32(file); // Start of image data
    uint32_t headerSize = read32(file);
    uint32_t width  = read32(file);
    uint32_t height = read32(file);
    uint16_t planes = read16(file);
    uint16_t depth = read16(file); // bits per pixel
    uint32_t format = read32(file);
    if ((planes == 1) && (format == 0)) // uncompressed is handled
      Serial.print(F("File size: ")); 
      Serial.print(F("Image Offset: ")); 
      Serial.print(F("Header size: ")); 
      Serial.print(F("Bit Depth: ")); 
      Serial.print(F("Image size: "));
      uint32_t rowSize = (width * depth / 8 + 3) & ~3;
      if (height < 0)
        height = -height;
        flip = false;
      uint16_t w = width;
      uint16_t h = height;
      size_t buffidx = sizeof(buffer); // force buffer load
      for (uint16_t row = 0; row < h; row++) // for each line
        if (flip) // Bitmap is stored bottom-to-top order (normal BMP)
          pos = imageOffset + (height - 1 - row) * rowSize;
        else     // Bitmap is stored top-to-bottom
          pos = imageOffset + row * rowSize;
        if (file.position() != pos)
        { // Need seek?
,SeekSet);  // if mode is SeekSet, position is set to offset bytes from the beginning.
                                    // if mode is SeekCur, current position is moved by offset bytes.
                                    // if mode is SeekEnd, position is set to offset bytes from the end of the 
          buffidx = sizeof(buffer); // force buffer reload
        uint8_t bits;
        for (uint16_t col = 0; col < w; col++) // for each pixel
          // Time to read more pixel data?
          if (buffidx >= sizeof(buffer))
  , sizeof(buffer));
            buffidx = 0; // Set index to beginning
          switch (depth)
            case 1: // one bit per pixel b/w format
                valid = true;
                if (0 == col % 8)
                  bits = buffer[buffidx++];
                uint16_t bw_color = bits & 0x80;              
                uint16_t PixelNum = (row*8)+col;
                leds[PixelNum].red  = bw_color;
                leds[PixelNum].green = bw_color;
                leds[PixelNum].blue  = bw_color;
                bits <<= 1;
            case 24: // standard BMP format
                valid = true;
                uint16_t b = buffer[buffidx++];
                uint16_t g = buffer[buffidx++];
                uint16_t r = buffer[buffidx++];
                uint16_t PixelNum = (row*8)+col;
                leds[PixelNum].red  = r;
                leds[PixelNum].green  = g;
                leds[PixelNum].blue  = b;
        } // end pixel
      } // end line;   // Show results :)
  if (!(valid))
    Serial.println(F("Err: BMP"));

void handleFileUpload() {
   if (server.uri() != "/upload") return;
   HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload();
   if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) {
     String filename = upload.filename;
     if (upload.filename.length() > 30) {
      upload.filename = upload.filename.substring(upload.filename.length() - 30, upload.filename.length());  // Dateinamen auf 30 Zeichen kürzen
     Serial.println("FileUpload Name: " + upload.filename);  
     if (!filename.startsWith("/")) filename = "/" + filename;
      fsUploadFile ="/" + server.urlDecode(upload.filename), "w");
     filename = String();
   } else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) {
     if (fsUploadFile)
       fsUploadFile.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize);
   } else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) {
     if (fsUploadFile)

void handleDisplayFS() {                     // HTML Filesystem
  //  Page: /filesystem
  temp ="";
  // HTML Header  
  server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
  server.sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
  server.sendHeader("Expires", "-1");
  // HTML Content
  server.send ( 200, "text/html", temp ); 
  temp += "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html lang='de'><head><meta charset='UTF-8'><meta name= viewport content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0,'>";
  temp = "";
  temp += "<style type='text/css'><!-- DIV.container { min-height: 10em; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle }.button {height:35px; width:90px; font-size:16px}";
  temp = "";
  temp += "body {background-color: powderblue;}</style><head><title>File System Manager</title></head>";
  temp += "<h2>Serial Peripheral Interface Flash Filesystem</h2><body><left>";
  temp = "";
  if (server.args() > 0) // Parameter wurden ubergeben
      if (server.hasArg("delete"))  
          String FToDel = server.arg("delete");
          if (SPIFFS.exists(FToDel))  
              temp += "File " + FToDel + " successfully deleted.";
            } else
              temp += "File " + FToDel + " cannot be deleted.";
          temp = "";
      if (server.hasArg("format") and server.arg("on"))  
           temp += "SPI File System successfully formatted.";
           temp = "";
        } //   server.client().stop(); // Stop is needed because we sent no content length   
  temp += "<table border=2 bgcolor = white width = 400 ><td><h4>Current SPIFFS Status: </h4>";  
  temp += formatBytes(SPIFFS.usedBytes() * 1.05) + " of " + formatBytes(SPIFFS.totalBytes()) + " used. <br>";
  temp += formatBytes((SPIFFS.totalBytes() - (SPIFFS.usedBytes() * 1.05)))+ " free. <br>";
  temp += "</td></table><br>";
  temp = "";
  // Check for Site Parameters 
  temp += "<table border=2 bgcolor = white width = 400><tr><th><br>";
  temp += "<h4>Available Files on SPIFFS:</h4><table border=2 bgcolor = white ></tr></th><td>Filename</td><td>Size</td><td>Action </td></tr></th>";
  temp = "";
  File root ="/");
  File file = root.openNextFile(); 
  while (file)
     temp += "<td> <a title=\"Download\" href =\"" + String( + "\" download=\"" + String( + "\">" + String( + "</a> <br></th>";
     temp += "<td>"+ formatBytes(file.size())+ "</td>";
     temp += "<td><a href =filesystem?delete=" + String( + "> Delete </a></td>";
     temp += "</tr></th>";   
     file = root.openNextFile(); 
  temp += "</tr></th>";
  temp += "</td></tr></th><br></th></tr></table></table><br>";
  temp += "<table border=2 bgcolor = white width = 400 ><td><h4>Upload</h4>";
  temp += "<label> Choose File: </label>";
  temp += "<form method='POST' action='/upload' enctype='multipart/form-data' style='height:35px;'><input type='file' name='upload' style='height:35px; font-size:13px;' required>\r\n<input type='submit' value='Upload' class='button'></form>";
  temp += " </table><br>";
  temp = "";
  temp += "<td><a href =filesystem?format=on> Format SPIFFS Filesystem. (Takes up to 30 Seconds) </a></td>";
  temp += "<table border=2 bgcolor = white width = 500 cellpadding =5 ><caption><p><h3>Systemlinks:</h2></p></caption><tr><th><br>";
  temp += " <a href="/en">Main Page</a><br><br></th></tr></table><br><br>";
  temp = "";
  temp += "<footer><p>Programmed and designed by: Tobias Kuch</p><p>Contact information: <a href=''></a>.</p></footer></body></html>";  
  //server.send ( 200, "", temp );
  server.client().stop(); // Stop is needed because we sent no content length
  temp = "";

/** Load WLAN credentials from EEPROM */

bool loadCredentials() 
 bool RetValue;
 EEPROM.get(0, MyWiFiConfig);
 if (String(MyWiFiConfig.ConfigValid) == String("TK")) 
    RetValue = true;
  } else
    RetValue = false; // WLAN Settings not found.
  return RetValue;

/** Store WLAN credentials to EEPROM */
bool saveCredentials() 
bool RetValue;
// Check logical Errors
RetValue = true;
if  (MyWiFiConfig.APSTA == true ) //AP Mode
   if (MyWiFiConfig.PwDReq and (sizeof(String(MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd)) < 8))
      RetValue = false;  // Invalid Config
   if (sizeof(String(MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName)) < 1)
      RetValue = false;  // Invalid Config
if (RetValue)
  for (int i = 0 ; i < sizeof(MyWiFiConfig) ; i++) 
      EEPROM.write(i, 0);
  strncpy( MyWiFiConfig.ConfigValid , "TK", sizeof(MyWiFiConfig.ConfigValid) );
  EEPROM.put(0, MyWiFiConfig);
  return RetValue;

void SetDefaultWiFiConfig()
   byte len;
   MyWiFiConfig.APSTA = true;
   MyWiFiConfig.PwDReq = true;  // default PW required
   MyWiFiConfig.CapPortal = true;
   strncpy( MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName, "ESP_Config", sizeof(MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName) );
   len = strlen(MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName);
   MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName[len+1] = '\0';   
   strncpy( MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd, "12345678", sizeof(MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd) );
   len = strlen(MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd);
   MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd[len+1] = '\0';  
   strncpy( MyWiFiConfig.ConfigValid, "TK", sizeof(MyWiFiConfig.ConfigValid) );
   len = strlen(MyWiFiConfig.ConfigValid);
   MyWiFiConfig.ConfigValid[len+1] = '\0'; 
   Serial.println(F("Reset WiFi Credentials.")); 

void handleRoot() {
//  Main Page:
 temp = "";
 short PicCount = 0;
 byte ServArgs = 0;
//Building Page
  // HTML Header
  server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
  server.sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
  server.sendHeader("Expires", "-1");
// HTML Content
  server.send ( 200, "text/html", temp );   // Speichersparen - Schon mal dem Client senden
  temp = "";
  temp += "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html lang='de'><head><meta charset='UTF-8'><meta name= viewport content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0,'>";
  temp += "<style type='text/css'><!-- DIV.container { min-height: 10em; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle }.button {height:35px; width:90px; font-size:16px}";
  temp = "";
  temp += "body {background-color: powderblue;}</style>";
  temp += "<head><title>Tobi's LED Display</title></head>";
  temp += "<h2>LED Display</h2>";
  temp += "<body>";
  temp = ""; 
// Processing User Request
if (server.args() > 0) // Parameter wurden ubergeben
  temp += "<br>Eingaben werden verarbeitet. Bitte warten..<br><br>";;
  temp = "";
// Update Background Paper
if (server.arg("PicSelect") == "off")  // Clear LED Display
    temp = "";
    for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++)
      leds[i]=  0x000000;        
  } else
    temp = server.arg("PicSelect"); // Bild gewählt. Display inhalt per Picselect hergstellt
    temp = "";   
  temp += "<table border=2 bgcolor = white ><caption><p><h3>Available Pictures in SPIIFS for 8x8 Display</h2></p></caption>";
  temp += "<form>";
  temp += "<tr><th><input type='radio' name='PicSelect' value = 'off' checked> Clear LED Display<br></th></tr>";
  temp += "<tr><th>";
  //List available BMP Files in SPIFFS
  File root ="/");
  File file = root.openNextFile(); 
  PicCount = 1;
  while (file)
    if (String(".bmp") or String(".BMP"))
      BMPHeader PicData = ReadBitmapSpecs(;
      if ((PicData.width < kMatrixWidth + 1) and (PicData.height < kMatrixHeight +1 ))  // Display only in list, when Bitmap not exceeding Display Resolution. Bigger Images are not listed.
          temp += "<label for='radio1'><img src='"+ String("' alt='"+ String("' border='3' bordercolor=green> Image "+ PicCount+"</label><input type='radio' value='"+ String("' name='PicSelect'/> <br>";
          temp += String( " Res: "+ String(PicData.width) + "x" + String(PicData.height) + "px  Filesize: "+ formatBytes(file.size()) + "</th></tr><tr><th>";
          PicCount ++;
   file = root.openNextFile();     
  temp = "";  
  temp = "<button type='submit' name='action' value='0' style='height: 50px; width: 280px'>Show Image on Led Display</button>";
  temp += "</form>";
  temp += "<br><table border=2 bgcolor = white width = 280 cellpadding =5 ><caption><p><h3>Systemlinks:</h2></p></caption>";
  temp += "<tr><th><br>";
  temp += "<a href="/en/wifi">WIFI Settings</a><br><br>";
  temp += "<a href="/en/filesystem">Filemanager</a><br><br>";
  temp += "</th></tr></table><br><br>";
  temp += "<footer><p>Programmed and designed by: Tobias Kuch</p><p>Contact information: <a href=''></a>.</p></footer>";
  temp += "</body></html>";
  temp = "";
  server.client().stop(); // Stop is needed because we sent no content length

void handleNotFound() { 
    if (captivePortal()) 
      { // If caprive portal redirect instead of displaying the error page.
  if (!handleFileRead(server.uri())) 
    temp = ""; 
    // HTML Header
    server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
    server.sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
    server.sendHeader("Expires", "-1");
    // HTML Content
    temp += "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html lang='de'><head><meta charset='UTF-8'><meta name= viewport content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0,'>";
    temp += "<style type='text/css'><!-- DIV.container { min-height: 10em; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle }.button {height:35px; width:90px; font-size:16px}";
    temp += "body {background-color: powderblue;}</style>";
    temp += "<head><title>File not found</title></head>";
    temp += "<h2> 404 File Not Found</h2><br>";
    temp += "<h4>Debug Information:</h4><br>";
    temp += "<body>";
    temp += "URI: ";
    temp += server.uri();
    temp += "\nMethod: ";
    temp+= ( server.method() == HTTP_GET ) ? "GET" : "POST";
    temp += "<br>Arguments: ";
    temp += server.args();
    temp += "\n";
      for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++ ) {
        temp += " " + server.argName ( i ) + ": " + server.arg ( i ) + "\n";
    temp += "<br>Server Hostheader: "+ server.hostHeader();
    for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < server.headers(); i++ ) {
        temp += " " + server.headerName ( i ) + ": " + server.header ( i ) + "\n<br>";
    temp += "</table></form><br><br><table border=2 bgcolor = white width = 500 cellpadding =5 ><caption><p><h2>You may want to browse to:</h2></p></caption>";
    temp += "<tr><th>";
    temp += "<a href="/en">Main Page</a><br>";
    temp += "<a href="/en/wifi">WIFI Settings</a><br>";
    temp += "<a href="/en/filesystem">Filemanager</a><br>";
    temp += "</th></tr></table><br><br>";
    temp += "<footer><p>Programmed and designed by: Tobias Kuch</p><p>Contact information: <a href=''></a>.</p></footer>";
    temp += "</body></html>";
    server.send ( 404, "", temp );
    server.client().stop(); // Stop is needed because we sent no content length
    temp = "";

/** Redirect to captive portal if we got a request for another domain. Return true in that case so the page handler do not try to handle the request again. */
boolean captivePortal() {
  if (!isIp(server.hostHeader()) && server.hostHeader() != (String(ESPHostname)+".local")) {
    // Serial.println("Request redirected to captive portal");  
    server.sendHeader("Location", String("http://") + toStringIp(server.client().localIP()), true);
    server.send ( 302, "text/plain", ""); // Empty content inhibits Content-length header so we have to close the socket ourselves.
    server.client().stop(); // Stop is needed because we sent no content length
    return true;
  return false;
/** Wifi config page handler */
void handleWifi() 
  //  Page: /wifi
  byte i;
  byte len ;
  temp = "";
  // Check for Site Parameters  
      if (server.hasArg("Reboot") )  // Reboot System 
         temp = "Rebooting System in 5 Seconds..";
         server.send ( 200, "text/html", temp );

      if (server.hasArg("WiFiMode") and (server.arg("WiFiMode") == "1")  )  // STA Station Mode Connect to another WIFI Station  
        startMillis = millis(); // Reset Time Up Counter to avoid Idle Mode whiole operating
        // Connect to existing STATION
        if ( sizeof(server.arg("WiFi_Network")) > 0  )
            Serial.println("STA Mode");
            MyWiFiConfig.APSTA = false; // Access Point or Station Mode - false Station Mode
            temp = "";          
            for ( i = 0; i < APSTANameLen;i++) { MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName[i] =  0; }
            temp = server.arg("WiFi_Network");
            len =  temp.length();
            for ( i = 0; i < len;i++) 
                  MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName[i] =  temp[i];              
         //   MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName[len+1] = '\0';  
            temp = "";

            for ( i = 0; i < WiFiPwdLen;i++)  { MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd[i] =  0; }          
            temp = server.arg("STAWLanPW");
            len =  temp.length();                     
            for ( i = 0; i < len;i++)  
                if (temp[i] > 32) //Steuerzeichen raus
                   MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd[i] =  temp[i];  
        //    MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd[len+1] = '\0';  
            temp = "WiFi Connect to AP: -"; 
            temp += MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName;
            temp += "-<br>WiFi PW: -"; 
            temp += MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd;
            temp += "-<br>";          
            temp += "Connecting to STA Mode in 2 Seconds..<br>";
            server.send ( 200, "text/html", temp ); 
            temp = "";
           // ConnectWifiAP
           bool SaveOk = saveCredentials();          
            i = ConnectWifiAP();
            if (i != 3) // 4: WL_CONNECT_FAILED - Password is incorrect 1: WL_NO_SSID_AVAILin - Configured SSID cannot be reached
                 Serial.print(F("Cannot Connect to specified Network. Reason: "));
                 WiFi.setAutoReconnect (false);
              } else
                 // Safe Config
                 bool SaveOk = saveCredentials();
      if (server.hasArg("WiFiMode") and (server.arg("WiFiMode") == "2")  )  // Change AP Mode 
        startMillis = millis(); // Reset Time Up Counter to avoid Idle Mode whiole operating
        // Configure Access Point
        temp = server.arg("APPointName");      
        len =  temp.length();
        temp =server.arg("APPW");
        if (server.hasArg("PasswordReq"))
              i =  temp.length();
            } else { i = 8; }
        if (  ( len > 1 ) and (server.arg("APPW") == server.arg("APPWRepeat")) and ( i > 7)          )
            temp = "";
            MyWiFiConfig.APSTA = true; // Access Point or Sation Mode - true AP Mode                      
            if (server.hasArg("CaptivePortal"))
              MyWiFiConfig.CapPortal = true ; //CaptivePortal on in AP Mode
            } else { MyWiFiConfig.CapPortal = false ; }           
            if (server.hasArg("PasswordReq"))
              MyWiFiConfig.PwDReq = true ; //Password Required in AP Mode
            } else { MyWiFiConfig.PwDReq = false ; }

            for ( i = 0; i < APSTANameLen;i++) { MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName[i] =  0; }
            temp = server.arg("APPointName");
            len =  temp.length();
            for ( i = 0; i < len;i++) { MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName[i] =  temp[i]; }
            MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName[len+1] = '\0';  
            temp = "";
            for ( i = 0; i < WiFiPwdLen;i++)  {  MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd[i] =  0; }          
            temp = server.arg("APPW");
            len =  temp.length();                     
            for ( i = 0; i < len;i++)  { MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd[i] =  temp[i];  }
            MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd[len+1] = '\0';  
            temp = "";         
            if (saveCredentials()) // Save AP ConfigCongfig  
                        temp = "Daten des AP Modes erfolgreich gespeichert. Reboot notwendig.";
              } else  { temp = "Daten des AP Modes fehlerhaft.";  }
          } else if (server.arg("APPW") != server.arg("APPWRepeat"))
                  temp = "";
                  temp = "WLAN Passwort nicht gleich. Abgebrochen.";
                } else
                  temp = "";
                  temp = "WLAN Passwort oder AP Name zu kurz. Abgebrochen.";
       // End WifiAP       
  // HTML Header
  server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
  server.sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
  server.sendHeader("Expires", "-1");
// HTML Content
  temp += "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html lang='de'><head><meta charset='UTF-8'><meta name= viewport content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0,'>";
  server.send ( 200, "text/html", temp ); 
  temp = ""; 
  temp += "<style type='text/css'><!-- DIV.container { min-height: 10em; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle }.button {height:35px; width:90px; font-size:16px}";
  temp += "body {background-color: powderblue;}</style><head><title>Smartes Tuerschild - WiFi Settings</title></head>";
  temp = "";
  temp += "<h2>WiFi Settings</h2><body><left>";
  temp += "<table border=2 bgcolor = white width = 500 ><td><h4>Current WiFi Settings: </h4>";
  if (server.client().localIP() == apIP) {
     temp += "Mode : Soft Access Point (AP)<br>";
     temp += "SSID : " + String (MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName) + "<br><br>";
  } else {
     temp += "Mode : Station (STA) <br>";
     temp += "SSID  :  "+ String (MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName) + "<br>";
     temp += "BSSID :  " + WiFi.BSSIDstr()+ "<br><br>";
  temp += "</td></table><br>";
  temp = "";
  temp += "<form action='/wifi' method='post'>";
  temp += "<table border=2 bgcolor = white width = 500><tr><th><br>";
  if (MyWiFiConfig.APSTA == 1)
      temp += "<input type='radio' value='1' name='WiFiMode' > WiFi Station Mode<br>";
    } else
      temp += "<input type='radio' value='1' name='WiFiMode' checked > WiFi Station Mode<br>";
  temp += "Available WiFi Networks:<table border=2 bgcolor = white ></tr></th><td>Number </td><td>SSID  </td><td>Encryption </td><td>WiFi Strength </td>";
  temp = "";
  int n = WiFi.scanNetworks(false, false); //WiFi.scanNetworks(async, show_hidden)
  if (n > 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    temp += "</tr></th>";
    String Nrb = String(i);
    temp += "<td>" + Nrb + "</td>";
    temp += "<td>" + WiFi.SSID(i) +"</td>";
    Nrb = GetEncryptionType(WiFi.encryptionType(i));
    temp += "<td>"+ Nrb + "</td>";
    temp += "<td>" + String(WiFi.RSSI(i)) + "</td>";   
  } else {
    temp += "</tr></th>";
    temp += "<td>1 </td>";
    temp += "<td>No WLAN found</td>";
    temp += "<td> --- </td>";
    temp += "<td> --- </td>";
  temp += "</table><table border=2 bgcolor = white ></tr></th><td>Connect to WiFi SSID: </td><td><select name='WiFi_Network' >";
if (n > 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    temp += "<option value='" + WiFi.SSID(i) +"'>" + WiFi.SSID(i) +"</option>";      
  } else {
    temp += "<option value='No_WiFi_Network'>No WiFiNetwork found !/option>";
  temp = "";
  temp += "</select></td></tr></th></tr></th><td>WiFi Password: </td><td>";
  temp += "<input type='text' name='STAWLanPW' maxlength='40' size='40'>"; 
  temp += "</td></tr></th><br></th></tr></table></table><table border=2 bgcolor = white width = 500 ><tr><th><br>";
  temp = "";
  if (MyWiFiConfig.APSTA == true)
      temp += "<input type='radio' name='WiFiMode' value='2' checked> WiFi Access Point Mode <br>";
    } else
      temp += "<input type='radio' name='WiFiMode' value='2' > WiFi Access Point Mode <br>";
  temp += "<table border=2 bgcolor = white ></tr></th> <td>WiFi Access Point Name: </td><td>";  
  temp = "";            
  if (MyWiFiConfig.APSTA == true)
      temp += "<input type='text' name='APPointName' maxlength='"+String(APSTANameLen-1)+"' size='30' value='" + String(MyWiFiConfig.APSTAName) + "'></td>";
    } else
      temp += "<input type='text' name='APPointName' maxlength='"+String(APSTANameLen-1)+"' size='30' ></td>";
  temp = "";       
  if (MyWiFiConfig.APSTA == true)
      temp += "</tr></th><td>WiFi Password: </td><td>";
      temp += "<input type='password' name='APPW' maxlength='"+String(WiFiPwdLen-1)+"' size='30' value='" + String(MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd) + "'> </td>";
      temp += "</tr></th><td>Repeat WiFi Password: </td>";
      temp += "<td><input type='password' name='APPWRepeat' maxlength='"+String(WiFiPwdLen-1)+"' size='30' value='" + String(MyWiFiConfig.WiFiPwd) + "'> </td>";
    } else
      temp += "</tr></th><td>WiFi Password: </td><td>";
      temp += "<input type='password' name='APPW' maxlength='"+String(WiFiPwdLen-1)+"' size='30'> </td>";
      temp += "</tr></th><td>Repeat WiFi Password: </td>";
      temp += "<td><input type='password' name='APPWRepeat' maxlength='"+String(WiFiPwdLen-1)+"' size='30'> </td>";
      temp += "</table>";
  temp = "";      
  if (MyWiFiConfig.PwDReq)
      temp += "<input type='checkbox' name='PasswordReq' checked> Password for Login required. "; 
    } else
      temp += "<input type='checkbox' name='PasswordReq' > Password for Login required. "; 
  temp = "";  
  if (MyWiFiConfig.CapPortal)
      temp += "<input type='checkbox' name='CaptivePortal' checked> Activate Captive Portal"; 
    } else
      temp += "<input type='checkbox' name='CaptivePortal' > Activate Captive Portal"; 
  temp = "";  
  temp += "<br></tr></th></table><br> <button type='submit' name='Settings' value='1' style='height: 50px; width: 140px' autofocus>Set WiFi Settings</button>";
  temp += "<button type='submit' name='Reboot' value='1' style='height: 50px; width: 200px' >Reboot System</button>";
  temp = "";
  temp += "<button type='reset' name='action' value='1' style='height: 50px; width: 100px' >Reset</button></form>";
  temp += "<table border=2 bgcolor = white width = 500 cellpadding =5 ><caption><p><h3>Systemlinks:</h2></p></caption><tr><th><br>";
  temp = "";
  temp += "<a href="/en">Main Page</a><br><br></th></tr></table><br><br>";
  temp += "<footer><p>Programmed and designed by: Tobias Kuch</p><p>Contact information: <a href=''></a>.</p></footer>";
  temp += "</body></html>";  
  server.client().stop(); // Stop is needed because we sent no content length
  temp = "";

void handleUploadSave() 
  String FileData ;  
  temp = "";            
  for (byte i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) 
    temp += "Arg " + (String)i + " –> ";   //Include the current iteration value
    temp += server.argName(i) + ": ";     //Get the name of the parameter
    temp += server.arg(i) + "\n";              //Get the value of the parameter
  // server.send(200, "text/plain", temp);       //Response to the HTTP request
  FileData = server.arg("datei"); 
  server.sendHeader("Location", "filesystem", true);
  server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
  server.sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
  server.sendHeader("Expires", "-1");
  server.send ( 302, "text/plain", "");  // Empty content inhibits Content-length header so we have to close the socket ourselves.
  server.client().stop(); // Stop is needed because we sent no content length  

/** Is this an IP? */
boolean isIp(String str) {
  for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
    int c = str.charAt(i);
    if (c != '.' && (c < '0' || c > '9')) {
      return false;
  return true;

String GetEncryptionType(byte thisType) {
  String Output = "";
   // read the encryption type and print out the name:
   switch (thisType) {
     case 5:
       Output = "WEP";
       return Output;
     case 2:
       Output = "WPA";
       return Output;
     case 4:
       Output = "WPA2";
       return Output;
     case 7:
       Output = "None";
       return Output;
     case 8:
       Output = "Auto";
       return Output;

/** IP to String? */
String toStringIp(IPAddress ip) {
  String res = "";
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    res += String((ip >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF) + ".";
  res += String(((ip >> 8 * 3)) & 0xFF);
  return res;

String formatBytes(size_t bytes) {            // lesbare Anzeige der Speichergrößen
   if (bytes < 1024) {
     return String(bytes) + " Byte";
   } else if (bytes < (1024 * 1024)) {
     return String(bytes / 1024.0) + " KB";
   } else if (bytes < (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) {
     return String(bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0) + " MB";

String getContentType(String filename) { // convert the file extension to the MIME type
  if (filename.endsWith(".htm")) return "text/html";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".css")) return "text/css";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".js")) return "application/javascript";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".ico")) return "image/x-icon";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".gz")) return "application/x-gzip";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".bmp")) return "image/bmp";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".tif")) return "image/tiff";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".pbm")) return "image/x-portable-bitmap";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".jpg")) return "image/jpeg";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".gif")) return "image/gif";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".png")) return "image/png";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".svg")) return "image/svg+xml";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".html")) return "text/html";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".wav")) return "audio/x-wav";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".zip")) return "application/zip";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".rgb")) return "image/x-rg";
 // Complete List onÜbersicht
  return "text/plain";

bool handleFileRead(String path) { // send the right file to the client (if it exists)
  if (path.endsWith("/")) path += "index.html";          // If a folder is requested, send the index file
  String contentType = getContentType(path);             // Get the MIME type
  String pathWithGz = path + ".gz";
  if (SPIFFS.exists(pathWithGz) || SPIFFS.exists(path)) { // If the file exists, either as a compressed archive, or normal
    if (SPIFFS.exists(pathWithGz))                         // If there's a compressed version available
      path += ".gz";                                         // Use the compressed verion
    File file =, "r");                    // Open the file
    size_t sent = server.streamFile(file, contentType);    // Send it to the client
    file.close();                                          // Close the file again
    return true;
  return false;

void loop() 
  if (SoftAccOK)
    dnsServer.processNextRequest(); //DNS


Ich habe ein paar 8x8 BMP Grafiken in verschiedenen Farbtiefe für euch zum Testen erstellt:

 Download BMP Grafiken

Im nächsten Teil kümmern wir uns um eine höhere Auflösung unseres LED Displays. Bis dahin wünsche viel Spaß mit dem Anzeigen eigener BMP Dateien auf dem LED-Display.

Esp-8266Projekte für fortgeschritteneSensoren




Es hat doch etwas länger gedauert, aber jetzt habe ich “meinen Fork” erstellt:
Rückmeldungen würden mich freuen – ich habe (noch) keine Routine damit, Software zu “veröffentlichen”, also glaube ich selbst nicht so ganz, dass es fehlerfrei ist.



Hallo aschommer

Sämtliche Codes hier von mir stehen unter der GPL 3, wenn nicht anders im Code angegeben. Die Codes werden zuätzlich von mir auf GitHub unter zeitverzögert veröffentlich. Gerne kann für die einzelnen Projekte ein Fork angelegt werden.
Viele Grüße



Unter welcher Lizenz stehen die Programme hier eigentlich? Ich würde gerne eine Variante für SSD1306-OLEDs (via u8g2-Library) beisteuern.

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